Avian Kits

Avian Kits

£39.00£126.60 inc VAT

We provide a range of tests to exotic bird owners including sexing, faecal screening, chlamydia, and psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD).

Disclaimer: All test kits are to be returned to us within six weeks of purchase. No refunds will be given.

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We provide a range of tests to exotic bird owners including sexing, faecal screening, chlamydia, and psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD).

How does it work?

Simply order your desired testing kit from us and we will send it to you, along with instructions on how to use it, and a submission form.

To help us make as accurate an analysis as possible, for the faecal tests and Chlamydia PCR, we require a three day pooled faecal sample, please do not send urates, the white part of the droppings. Please keep in a cool place, but not a fridge whilst collecting. For PBFD PCR and Sexing PCR, we need either a feather pluck containing pulp or a Heparin blood sample (to be taken by an exotic vet).

Sending in your samples

If you would like any further information on these tests, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 01829 781855 or emailing us at sales@palsvetlab.co.uk

Please note: as we are a laboratory and not a veterinary practice, we do not give advice regarding any treatments that may be available, as this is the responsibility of your exotic vet. Should interpretation be required, it will be stated on your report.

* Disclaimer: All test kits are to be returned to us within six weeks of purchase. No refunds will be given.

Which Test Should I Choose?

Avian Faeces 1

This test includes:

  • Aerobic Culture – To quantify the presence of normal gut flora which is essential to maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Campylobacter – To detect the presence of Campylobacter species, a food poisoning bacterium that can cause diarrhoea.
  • Salmonella – To detect the presence of Salmonella species, a bacterium that can cause weakness, appetite loss and poor growth.
  • Yeasts – To detect the presence of Yeasts, which can cause crop stasis, anorexia, and regurgitation.
  • Gram Stain – A stain to determine the ratio of bacteria in the gut. This can also detect the presence of Avian Gastric Yeast (Megabacteria).

Avian Faeces 2

This test includes:

  • Aerobic Culture – To quantify the presence of normal gut flora which is essential to maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Campylobacter – To detect the presence of Campylobacter species, a food poisoning bacterium that can cause diarrhoea.
  • Salmonella – To detect the presence of Salmonella species, a bacterium that can cause weakness, appetite loss and poor growth.
  • Yeasts – To detect the presence of Yeasts, which can cause crop stasis, anorexia, and regurgitation.
  • Gram Stain – A stain to determine the ratio of bacteria in the gut. This can also detect the presence of Avian Gastric Yeast (Megabacteria).
  • Faecal Screen – This is a Direct and Salt flotation examination for all parasites excluding Cryptosporidia and some Protozoa.


Culture for Campylobacter – To detect the presence of Campylobacter species, a food poisoning bacterium that can cause diarrhoea. With sensitivities if appropriate.

Culture & Sensitivity

Aerobic culture to determine to presence of clinically significant bacteria, with sensitivities if appropriate.

Faecal Screen

This is a Direct and Salt flotation examination for all parasites excluding Cryptosporidia and some Protozoa.

Full Parasitology

This is Direct, Salt and Concentrate examination for Helminth ova, Protozoa, Protozoal cysts including Giardia, Cryptosporidia and Amoeba.

Gram Stain

A stain to determine the ratio of bacteria in the gut. This can also detect the presence of Avian Gastric Yeast (Megabacteria).


To detect the presence of Salmonella species, a bacterium that can cause weakness, appetite loss and poor growth. With sensitivities if appropriate.

How Do I Interpret My Results?

All interpretation of results should be performed by a veterinarian, if this is required – it will be stated on your results.